Yet another productivity app!

Hank Quense
2 min readFeb 2, 2023

Capacities: This one I’m keeping

I’ve used just about every productivity app on the market. Usually I try them as soon as I find out about them. My most recent infatuation was with Craft. I still like it, but I tried Capacities and after a week or so, I migrated out of Craft and loaded all the content into Capacities.

The basic structure of Capacities is that it does not use folders. Every item is given a tag and the tags work to organize the content.

In the sidebar,

if I click on Tags, every tag is displayed with the number if items that use that tag.

If I click on the tag, Ideas for instance, a new display appears with every item with the idea tag.

An item can have multiple tags and show up in multiple lists.



Hank Quense
Hank Quense

Written by Hank Quense

Hank Quense writes on fiction writing, self-publishing and book marketing topics. He has self-published over 20 books, both fiction and non-fiction.

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